Friday, February 12, 2010

free gift is always the best! is from the heart!!

two angels send me gift for this new year
i know is abit late to post this,
they have given me for quite some time adi
but i don't think is right if i didn't show gratitude to them
i really love the gift so much~~!

Firstly from Lee Peng(sweet piggy)
a big bottle Carbury chocolate malts powder

It really touch me cause i know you give me this gift because you know that i have problem sleeping

and chocolate can help me get some peaceful slumber
long kisses for you my sweet heart

Btw~! u look really cute in this picture^^

Next gift is from the cat(weai weai aka fellxion)
this one.....i dunno what to say but
"dude! you are really pure insane! how your brain work gal?!"

having d idea of a personalize journal is already geng
actually creating it is kinda insane!

Thank you so much~~~~! i'll try to be more punctual and goal oriented with the help of this personalize journal!!!
where to find other insane gal like you

I;m so blessed to know you all
honestly you both are the few things that i really can mention out loud in my life

weai! sorry but i gotta do this

Notice something? XD